You have just discovered the industry's best patented solution for plugged and blinded-over grizzly bars and heavy screening media installations. This innovation has been designed with over 30+ years of knowledge and background in the heavy steel manufacturing and mining operations industry. Grizzly Spring Fingers are a patented product solely designed and manufactured by Dakota Equipment Manufacturing Inc., located right in the heartland of the United States.
The DEMI Grizzly Spring Finger System is proven to increase productivity within your operation and eliminate any downtime you currently have with rock jams. No more stuck rock means no more machine shutdowns to remove them. They are easily installed into all variations and makes of vibratory grizzly feeders and screening applications. Watch as your old or tired machine comes back to life.
The DEMI Grizzly Spring Finger System has revolutionized the mining & aggregate industry and runs in over 500 applications to date without fail! Are you ready to learn more about this unbeatable product?

Our patented Grizzly Spring Finger Assembly continues to improve operations in the mining and aggregate fields with huge savings in time and money every day. This means no more rock jams, lost productivity, frustration, or safety hazards that you are most likely experiencing right now.
With the help of our team, we can retrofit any variations or makes of vibratory grizzly feeders and screening applications. Repair and replacement is quick and easy. The Grizzly Spring Finger system installs directly over top deck media in medium-duty screens. Installing this way greatly reduces pegging and plugging of both stand punch plate and rubber, creating almost double the productivity in most cases. Watch as your new, old, or obsolete machine comes back to life!
Our innovation has a distinct advantage in some applications due to its ability to screen material and remove large quantities of undersized material before entering the crusher. Our patented Grizzly Spring Fingers will eliminate 100% of rock jams and provide 100% clear passing of material. Even in wet, sticky clay-like material. We have yet to find anything that is able to plug our unique product.
The DEMI Equipment Grizzly Spring Finger System has revolutionized the mining & aggregate industry and runs in over 500 applications to date without fail! After dedicating hundreds of hours to testing our product, we are confident that we have the best rock-jam solution in the mining and aggregate industry.